Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Ranking Composers

Schubert, Debussy, and Bach

are ranked below Wolfgang Mozart,

but they couldn't care less 

for such popularity contests,

only Salieri took it to heart.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Mel Gibson II

Devout Mel sits on the pew

this drunken day he'll now rue

for he beat up Oksana

gave the finger to Allah

and said something bad to a Jew.

Mel Gibson I

A drunken Aussie called Mel

did not want to end up in hell

so born again he

took scripture literally

and that's how his big career fell.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


An impotent chap is oft glum

He simply can't fire his gun

But there is an answer

(Still no cure for cancer)

The chaps can stand-to and have fun.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Summer's Gone

The first flatmate to leave was dear Summer

For us it was quite a bummer

There's now just us four

Reduced to a bore

And the conversation is dumber.